Satisfaction Survey

1) For items below

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
What is your opinion about the quality and performance of purchased products?
What is your opinion about our prices compared to our competitors?
What is your opinion about our quality compared to our competitors?
What is your opinion about the manuals of our products?
What is your opinion about the packaging of our products?
What is your opinion related to the ease of installation of our products?
What is your opinion about the ease of configuration of our products?
What is your opinion related to the technical knowledge of our sales team?
What is your opinion about our services?
What is your assessment of our service?
What is your opinion related to the speed of returning information?
What is your opinion related to technical assistance services (products repair)?
What is your opinion related to technical assistance services (assistance at field)?
What is your opinion about the technical support services (via phone and / or email)?

2) How did you reach VIVACE?

3) Why you select VIVACE brand?

4) Would you purchase VIVACE products and services again?

5) Overall, How classification you assign to VIVACE?

6) Usually your business contact with VIVACE is accomplished through:

7) Enter the name of your business contact with VIVACE

8) Please, mention some products that you would like VIVACE had in its product line:

9) Please, leave feedback, complaints or praise:

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